I personally love animals and I have a dog who I think is the cutest in the whole world. I would do anything for her and protect her from everything that might make her unhappy. 
At the same time, I'm a beautyholic and love to try many beauty products and buy them if I like. 

   I once went to a Beauty College and learned makeup, facial treatment(aesthetic) and hair. My teacher there used to work for Estée Louder and my friends there work for famous makeup brands like Bobbie Brown, RMK, SUQQUE and so on after they graduated. Learning at the college became an unusual and productive experience to me, but I don't remember that there wasn't any lectures or teaching concerning animal testing. 

   I think beauty industry is closely associated with the issue, so many people require them to clarify their position on the issue, whether they are pro-animal testing or not. It even affects to customers decision of consuming habits. 
It means, when you want to buy a sunscreen, you might think, "Which one is the most effective?" "Which one is the kindest to skin?" "Which one is organic?" Then you find the perfect one for you but one thing pops into your head, the memory that you've read an article which says that the company of that sunscreen do animal testing! Now what? You might pick the other one. 

   Many people emphasis on the issue nowadays. At the same time, many buy products from those company without recognizing the fact. 

   It's probably difficult to demand all of the company to give up animal testing immediately, since they are facing problems that there are countries like China where animal testing is required by law. However there should be choices for consumers to chose which company they purchase from. To do so, companies should clarify their position on this issue. That may be the first step to save animals.



  1. This is a realistic and interesting point of view to represent. It shows the disconnect that many people have between loving animals (and even keeping a treasured pet), while at the same time using beauty products -- or eating meat -- which causes harm to animals. Most of us live our lives with these contradictions. Fortunately, some of us notice the contradictions and take actions to be more consistent with our beliefs.

  2. I'm interested in this topic. I researched about animal testing before, then I was very shocked to know the fact that many animals (mouse, dog, cat, rabbit, monkey etc…) were used and killed by animal testing. I think this is a controversial thing because some people think that animal testing is necessary for improving products, other people think that animal testing should be abolished. I want to know about these kind of thing through your blog, then make a better way instead of animal testing.
    Additionally, I also like beauty product, so I would like to check that if the product uses animal testing or not.


