Various perspective

I'd like to introduce some perspective.

Here's a perspective of a Italian CEO.

  My name is Fabirizio, the president and CEO of a famous cosmetic brand.
We produce skincare, haircare  fragrance and makeup products and own brands.
Our official animal-testing policy is not to test on animals. However, there are exceptions sometime.

  When we try to sell our products in countries which require animal-testing by law, we have no choice doing so. Remember that we are officially against animal-testing, but we can't back out from the great business in China, where animal-testing is required by law, so don't blame us. We have no choice.

Next is one American woman named Sophia.

  My name is Sophia and I'm a law student.
Honestly, I agree with animal testing because there are reasons to do it.
Testing on animals benefits animals, too. If vaccines were not tested on animals, millions of animals would have died.
  Many people think animal testing is cruel and inhumane, but I want to ask them, have you actually ever seen animal testing? I think they've only seen images which media creates like it's the whole situation of it.
  There may be researchers and their experiments that are definitely considered as cruel and shoul be stopped, but don't you know anything about the federal Animal Welfare Act? It says, "Research facilities must comply with extensive regulations concerning the housing and care of animals used in research." Humane treatment for the animals is enforced by each facility so it's highly regulated by law. A lot of people say using animals to experiment is a terrible thing but thanks to the animals, your healthy life is maintained. People should understand the situations before they just take animal testing researchers as killers.

Animal Testing - (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from

Explanation of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from

Avon, Mary Kay, Estée Lauder (and Subsidiary MAC Cosmetics), and Revlon Are Paying for Tests on Animals. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from

