comparison between good and bad websites

Last week, we compared what was good and bad about two websites relating to animal rights.

Here are the websites we found.

N. (n.d.). NPO法人アニマルライツセンター 毛皮、動物実験、工場畜産、犬猫等の虐待的飼育をなくしエシカルな社会へ. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from

The reasons are...
・It's clear who they are and what they stand up for, what they do, contributed.
・their site is clear and east to find information. (good interface)
・It has all these information and a place to donate
・their site shows they actually have made a difference.

As an example of bad website, we chose this.

動物の権利 アニマルライツ. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from

The reasons are,

・It's not clear who they are, (what kind of organization) or at least, it's not as easy as the example of the good website to find the information.
・Also about what they do to protect animal rights, it's unclear or not easy to find it.
・What we can find on the website is why we should protect animal rights, and explaining cruel and horrible situations of animal abuse, but for some of them, sources of the information are unclear, which means some of them are unreliable information.
・We say its interface is not as good as the good website.
・However, the "what you can do"(asking donation, contacting them) section is relatively prominent.



  1. Your post can be made more attractive by giving short summaries of the two websites that you evaluated. But, your reasons for your evaluations are sensible ones.
    Joseph D


