Research question

I would like to write down some research question for this blog.

What is the history of animal testing?

How many animals get killed by animal testing in a month, year?

What is the history of animal shelters?

How many animals get murdered in shelters in Japan?

How many animal get murdered in shelters in America?
 ( hopefully a country where adoption is more advanced than Japan)

How do animals get killed in shelters?

What is the process of animal testing?

Why the Japanese government put more tax in killing animals in shelters?

The percentage of vegan and non-vegan people in Japan?

The percentage of vegan and non-vegan people in other countries?
Which country has the most vegan ?

What are the current situation on adoption in Japan?

What are changes that should be made regarding adoption in Japan?

Which country has the least number of murdered animal regarding animal testing and animal shelter?

What are some of the things that country does to not harm animals as much as other countries?

What do you guys think??


