Various Perspectives

Various perspective

I would like to introduce two perspectives.

One  is from a man named Charles who is a big supporter for animal rights.
He claims that there is no moral basis for elevating the interests of one species over another. It is specie sim. He says killing animal should be viewed as equivalent to killing humans and I myself strongly believe this. I hope some of you feel the same.

Animals should be treated as we would want to be treated.
Animals do not have a voice, however that doesn't mean they do not have rights!!!!

Another perspective is from a scientist.

She claims humans has a choice and thus a responsibility to do no harm to animals. It means people have  the choice to inflict or not to inflict pain to animals. People should realize that it is morally wrong to harm animals and decide to do no harm to animals.

When you ask experimenters,
Why do you test on animals??
They say, they're like us humans.
However when you ask them, why is it morally okay to experiment on animals?
They say, they're not like us.

This is highly contradictory and one of the factors causing problems regarding animal rights.
Let's all together help save ANIMAL RIGHTS!!

